* @class Ext.layout.BorderLayout
* @extends Ext.layout.ContainerLayout
* This is a multi-pane, application-oriented UI layout style that supports multiple
* nested panels, automatic {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#split split} bars between
* {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#BorderLayout.Region regions} and built-in
* {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#collapsible expanding and collapsing} of regions.
* This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'border'
* {@link Ext.Container#layout} config, and should generally not need to be created directly
* via the new keyword.
* BorderLayout does not have any direct config options (other than inherited ones).
* All configuration options available for customizing the BorderLayout are at the
* {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region} and {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion}
* levels.
* Example usage:
var myBorderPanel = new Ext.Panel({
{@link Ext.Component#renderTo renderTo}: document.body,
{@link Ext.BoxComponent#width width}: 700,
{@link Ext.BoxComponent#height height}: 500,
{@link Ext.Panel#title title}: 'Border Layout',
{@link Ext.Container#layout layout}: 'border',
{@link Ext.Container#items items}: [{
{@link Ext.Panel#title title}: 'South Region is resizable',
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#BorderLayout.Region region}: 'south', // position for region
{@link Ext.BoxComponent#height height}: 100,
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#split split}: true, // enable resizing
{@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize}: 75, // defaults to {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#minHeight 50}
{@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize}: 150,
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#margins margins}: '0 5 5 5'
// xtype: 'panel' implied by default
{@link Ext.Panel#title title}: 'West Region is collapsible',
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#BorderLayout.Region region}:'west',
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#margins margins}: '5 0 0 5',
{@link Ext.BoxComponent#width width}: 200,
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#collapsible collapsible}: true, // make collapsible
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#cmargins cmargins}: '5 5 0 5', // adjust top margin when collapsed
{@link Ext.Component#id id}: 'west-region-container',
{@link Ext.Container#layout layout}: 'fit',
{@link Ext.Panel#unstyled unstyled}: true
{@link Ext.Panel#title title}: 'Center Region',
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#BorderLayout.Region region}: 'center', // center region is required, no width/height specified
{@link Ext.Component#xtype xtype}: 'container',
{@link Ext.Container#layout layout}: 'fit',
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#margins margins}: '5 5 0 0'
* Notes:
* - Any container using the BorderLayout must have a child item with region:'center'.
* The child item in the center region will always be resized to fill the remaining space not used by
* the other regions in the layout.
* - Any child items with a region of west or east must have width defined
* (an integer representing the number of pixels that the region should take up).
* - Any child items with a region of north or south must have height defined.
* - The regions of a BorderLayout are fixed at render time and thereafter, its child Components may not be removed or added. To add/remove
* Components within a BorderLayout, have them wrapped by an additional Container which is directly
* managed by the BorderLayout. If the region is to be collapsible, the Container used directly
* by the BorderLayout manager should be a Panel. In the following example a Container (an Ext.Panel)
* is added to the west region:
wrc = {@link Ext#getCmp Ext.getCmp}('west-region-container');
wrc.{@link Ext.Panel#removeAll removeAll}();
wrc.{@link Ext.Container#add add}({
title: 'Added Panel',
html: 'Some content'
wrc.{@link Ext.Container#doLayout doLayout}();
* - To reference a {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region Region}:
wr = myBorderPanel.layout.west;
Ext.layout.BorderLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, {
// private
// private
rendered : false,
// private
onLayout : function(ct, target){
var collapsed;
var items = ct.items.items;
collapsed = [];
for(var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
var c = items[i];
var pos = c.region;
c.collapsed = false;
c.cls = c.cls ? c.cls +' x-border-panel' : 'x-border-panel';
c.render(target, i);
this[pos] = pos != 'center' && c.split ?
new Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion(this, c.initialConfig, pos) :
new Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region(this, c.initialConfig, pos);
this[pos].render(target, c);
this.rendered = true;
var size = target.getViewSize();
if(size.width < 20 || size.height < 20){ // display none?
this.restoreCollapsed = collapsed;
}else if(this.restoreCollapsed){
collapsed = this.restoreCollapsed;
delete this.restoreCollapsed;
var w = size.width, h = size.height;
var centerW = w, centerH = h, centerY = 0, centerX = 0;
var n = this.north, s = this.south, west = this.west, e = this.east, c = this.center;
if(!c && Ext.layout.BorderLayout.WARN !== false){
throw 'No center region defined in BorderLayout ' + ct.id;
if(n && n.isVisible()){
var b = n.getSize();
var m = n.getMargins();
b.width = w - (m.left+m.right);
b.x = m.left;
b.y = m.top;
centerY = b.height + b.y + m.bottom;
centerH -= centerY;
if(s && s.isVisible()){
var b = s.getSize();
var m = s.getMargins();
b.width = w - (m.left+m.right);
b.x = m.left;
var totalHeight = (b.height + m.top + m.bottom);
b.y = h - totalHeight + m.top;
centerH -= totalHeight;
if(west && west.isVisible()){
var b = west.getSize();
var m = west.getMargins();
b.height = centerH - (m.top+m.bottom);
b.x = m.left;
b.y = centerY + m.top;
var totalWidth = (b.width + m.left + m.right);
centerX += totalWidth;
centerW -= totalWidth;
if(e && e.isVisible()){
var b = e.getSize();
var m = e.getMargins();
b.height = centerH - (m.top+m.bottom);
var totalWidth = (b.width + m.left + m.right);
b.x = w - totalWidth + m.left;
b.y = centerY + m.top;
centerW -= totalWidth;
var m = c.getMargins();
var centerBox = {
x: centerX + m.left,
y: centerY + m.top,
width: centerW - (m.left+m.right),
height: centerH - (m.top+m.bottom)
for(var i = 0, len = collapsed.length; i < len; i++){
if(Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict){ // workaround IE strict repainting issue
destroy: function() {
var r = ['north', 'south', 'east', 'west'];
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
var region = this[r[i]];
}else if (region.split){
* @property activeItem
* @hide
* @class Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region
* This is a region of a {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout BorderLayout} that acts as a subcontainer
* within the layout. Each region has its own {@link Ext.layout.ContainerLayout layout} that is
* independent of other regions and the containing BorderLayout, and can be any of the
* {@link Ext.layout.ContainerLayout valid Ext layout types}.
* Region size is managed automatically and cannot be changed by the user -- for
* {@link #split resizable regions}, see {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion}.
* @constructor
* Create a new Region.
* @param {Layout} layout The {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout BorderLayout} instance that is managing this Region.
* @param {Object} config The configuration options
* @param {String} position The region position. Valid values are: north, south,
* east, west and center. Every {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout BorderLayout}
* must have a center region for the primary content -- all other regions are optional.
Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region = function(layout, config, pos){
Ext.apply(this, config);
this.layout = layout;
this.position = pos;
this.state = {};
if(typeof this.margins == 'string'){
this.margins = this.layout.parseMargins(this.margins);
this.margins = Ext.applyIf(this.margins || {}, this.defaultMargins);
if(typeof this.cmargins == 'string'){
this.cmargins = this.layout.parseMargins(this.cmargins);
if(this.collapseMode == 'mini' && !this.cmargins){
this.cmargins = {left:0,top:0,right:0,bottom:0};
this.cmargins = Ext.applyIf(this.cmargins || {},
pos == 'north' || pos == 'south' ? this.defaultNSCMargins : this.defaultEWCMargins);
Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.prototype = {
* @cfg {Boolean} animFloat
* When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated
* panel that will close again once the user mouses out of that panel (or clicks out if
* {@link #autoHide} = false). Setting {@link #animFloat} = false will
* prevent the open and close of these floated panels from being animated (defaults to true).
* @cfg {Boolean} autoHide
* When a collapsed region's bar is clicked, the region's panel will be displayed as a floated
* panel. If autoHide = true, the panel will automatically hide after the user mouses
* out of the panel. If autoHide = false, the panel will continue to display until the
* user clicks outside of the panel (defaults to true).
* @cfg {String} collapseMode
* collapseMode supports two configuration values:
* - undefined (default)
By default, {@link #collapsible}
* regions are collapsed by clicking the expand/collapse tool button that renders into the region's
* title bar.
* - 'mini'
Optionally, when collapseMode is set to
* 'mini' the region's split bar will also display a small collapse button in the center of
* the bar. In 'mini' mode the region will collapse to a thinner bar than in normal mode.
* Note: if a collapsible region does not have a title bar, then set collapseMode =
* 'mini' and {@link #split} = true in order for the region to be {@link #collapsible}
* by the user as the expand/collapse tool button (that would go in the title bar) will not be rendered.
* See also {@link #cmargins}.
* @cfg {Object} margins
* An object containing margins to apply to the region when in the expanded state in the
* format:
top: (top margin),
right: (right margin),
bottom: (bottom margin),
left: (left margin)
* May also be a string containing space-separated, numeric margin values. The order of the
* sides associated with each value matches the way CSS processes margin values:
* - If there is only one value, it applies to all sides.
* - If there are two values, the top and bottom borders are set to the first value and the
* right and left are set to the second.
* - If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set
* to the second, and the bottom is set to the third.
* - If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and left, respectively.
* Defaults to:
* {top:0, right:0, bottom:0, left:0}
* @cfg {Object} cmargins
* An object containing margins to apply to the region when in the collapsed state in the
* format:
top: (top margin),
right: (right margin),
bottom: (bottom margin),
left: (left margin)
* May also be a string containing space-separated, numeric margin values. The order of the
* sides associated with each value matches the way CSS processes margin values.
* - If there is only one value, it applies to all sides.
* - If there are two values, the top and bottom borders are set to the first value and the
* right and left are set to the second.
* - If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set
* to the second, and the bottom is set to the third.
* - If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and left, respectively.
* @cfg {Boolean} collapsible
* true to allow the user to collapse this region (defaults to false). If
* true, an expand/collapse tool button will automatically be rendered into the title
* bar of the region, otherwise the button will not be shown.
* Note: that a title bar is required to display the collapse/expand toggle button -- if
* no title is specified for the region's panel, the region will only be collapsible if
* {@link #collapseMode} = 'mini' and {@link #split} = true.
collapsible : false,
* @cfg {Boolean} split
* true to create a {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion SplitRegion} and
* display a 5px wide {@link Ext.SplitBar} between this region and its neighbor, allowing the user to
* resize the regions dynamically. Defaults to false creating a
* {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region Region}.
* Notes:
* - this configuration option is ignored if region='center'
* - when split == true, it is common to specify a
* {@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize} and {@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize}
* for the {@link Ext.BoxComponent BoxComponent} representing the region. These are not native
* configs of {@link Ext.BoxComponent BoxComponent}, and are used only by this class.
* - if {@link #collapseMode} = 'mini' requires split = true to reserve space
* for the collapse tool
* @cfg {Boolean} floatable
* true to allow clicking a collapsed region's bar to display the region's panel floated
* above the layout, false to force the user to fully expand a collapsed region by
* clicking the expand button to see it again (defaults to true).
floatable: true,
* @cfg {Number} minWidth
* The minimum allowable width in pixels for this region (defaults to 50).
* maxWidth may also be specified.
* Note: setting the {@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize} /
* {@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize} supersedes any specified
* minWidth / maxWidth.
* @cfg {Number} minHeight
* The minimum allowable height in pixels for this region (defaults to 50)
* maxHeight may also be specified.
* Note: setting the {@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize} /
* {@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize} supersedes any specified
* minHeight / maxHeight.
// private
defaultMargins : {left:0,top:0,right:0,bottom:0},
// private
defaultNSCMargins : {left:5,top:5,right:5,bottom:5},
// private
defaultEWCMargins : {left:5,top:0,right:5,bottom:0},
floatingZIndex: 100,
* True if this region is collapsed. Read-only.
* @type Boolean
* @property
isCollapsed : false,
* This region's panel. Read-only.
* @type Ext.Panel
* @property panel
* This region's layout. Read-only.
* @type Layout
* @property layout
* This region's layout position (north, south, east, west or center). Read-only.
* @type String
* @property position
// private
render : function(ct, p){
this.panel = p;
this.targetEl = ct;
this.el = p.el;
var gs = p.getState, ps = this.position;
p.getState = function(){
return Ext.apply(gs.call(p) || {}, this.state);
if(ps != 'center'){
p.allowQueuedExpand = false;
beforecollapse: this.beforeCollapse,
collapse: this.onCollapse,
beforeexpand: this.beforeExpand,
expand: this.onExpand,
hide: this.onHide,
show: this.onShow,
scope: this
if(this.collapsible || this.floatable){
p.collapseEl = 'el';
p.slideAnchor = this.getSlideAnchor();
if(p.tools && p.tools.toggle){
// private
getCollapsedEl : function(){
var tt = new Ext.Template(
tt.disableFormats = true;
Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.prototype.toolTemplate = tt;
this.collapsedEl = this.targetEl.createChild({
cls: "x-layout-collapsed x-layout-collapsed-"+this.position,
id: this.panel.id + '-xcollapsed'
if(this.collapseMode == 'mini'){
this.miniCollapsedEl = this.collapsedEl.createChild({
cls: "x-layout-mini x-layout-mini-"+this.position, html: " "
this.collapsedEl.on('click', this.onExpandClick, this, {stopEvent:true});
}else {
if(this.collapsible !== false && !this.hideCollapseTool) {
var t = this.toolTemplate.append(
{id:'expand-'+this.position}, true);
t.on('click', this.onExpandClick, this, {stopEvent:true});
if(this.floatable !== false || this.titleCollapse){
this.collapsedEl.on("click", this[this.floatable ? 'collapseClick' : 'onExpandClick'], this);
return this.collapsedEl;
// private
onExpandClick : function(e){
// private
onCollapseClick : function(e){
// private
beforeCollapse : function(p, animate){
this.lastAnim = animate;
this.panel.el.setStyle('z-index', 100);
this.isCollapsed = true;
// private
onCollapse : function(animate){
this.panel.el.setStyle('z-index', 1);
if(this.lastAnim === false || this.panel.animCollapse === false){
this.getCollapsedEl().dom.style.visibility = 'visible';
this.getCollapsedEl().slideIn(this.panel.slideAnchor, {duration:.2});
this.state.collapsed = true;
// private
beforeExpand : function(animate){
var c = this.getCollapsedEl();
if(this.position == 'east' || this.position == 'west'){
this.panel.setSize(undefined, c.getHeight());
this.panel.setSize(c.getWidth(), undefined);
c.dom.style.visibility = 'hidden';
this.panel.el.setStyle('z-index', this.floatingZIndex);
// private
onExpand : function(){
this.isCollapsed = false;
this.panel.el.setStyle('z-index', 1);
this.state.collapsed = false;
// private
collapseClick : function(e){
// private
onHide : function(){
}else if(this.splitEl){
// private
onShow : function(){
}else if(this.splitEl){
* True if this region is currently visible, else false.
* @return {Boolean}
isVisible : function(){
return !this.panel.hidden;
* Returns the current margins for this region. If the region is collapsed, the
* {@link #cmargins} (collapsed margins) value will be returned, otherwise the
* {@link #margins} value will be returned.
* @return {Object} An object containing the element's margins: {left: (left
* margin), top: (top margin), right: (right margin), bottom: (bottom margin)}
getMargins : function(){
return this.isCollapsed && this.cmargins ? this.cmargins : this.margins;
* Returns the current size of this region. If the region is collapsed, the size of the
* collapsedEl will be returned, otherwise the size of the region's panel will be returned.
* @return {Object} An object containing the element's size: {width: (element width),
* height: (element height)}
getSize : function(){
return this.isCollapsed ? this.getCollapsedEl().getSize() : this.panel.getSize();
* Sets the specified panel as the container element for this region.
* @param {Ext.Panel} panel The new panel
setPanel : function(panel){
this.panel = panel;
* Returns the minimum allowable width for this region.
* @return {Number} The minimum width
getMinWidth: function(){
return this.minWidth;
* Returns the minimum allowable height for this region.
* @return {Number} The minimum height
getMinHeight: function(){
return this.minHeight;
// private
applyLayoutCollapsed : function(box){
var ce = this.getCollapsedEl();
ce.setLeftTop(box.x, box.y);
ce.setSize(box.width, box.height);
// private
applyLayout : function(box){
this.panel.setPosition(box.x, box.y);
this.panel.setSize(box.width, box.height);
// private
beforeSlide: function(){
// private
afterSlide : function(){
// private
initAutoHide : function(){
if(this.autoHide !== false){
var st = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.slideIn, this);
this.autoHideHd = {
"mouseout": function(e){
if(!e.within(this.el, true)){
"mouseover" : function(e){
scope : this
// private
clearAutoHide : function(){
if(this.autoHide !== false){
this.el.un("mouseout", this.autoHideHd.mouseout);
this.el.un("mouseover", this.autoHideHd.mouseover);
// private
clearMonitor : function(){
Ext.getDoc().un("click", this.slideInIf, this);
* If this Region is {@link #floatable}, this method slides this Region into full visibility over the top
* of the center Region where it floats until either {@link #slideIn} is called, or other regions of the layout
* are clicked, or the mouse exits the Region.
slideOut : function(){
if(this.isSlid || this.el.hasActiveFx()){
this.isSlid = true;
var ts = this.panel.tools;
if(ts && ts.toggle){
if(this.position == 'east' || this.position == 'west'){
this.panel.setSize(undefined, this.collapsedEl.getHeight());
this.panel.setSize(this.collapsedEl.getWidth(), undefined);
this.restoreLT = [this.el.dom.style.left, this.el.dom.style.top];
this.el.alignTo(this.collapsedEl, this.getCollapseAnchor());
this.el.setStyle("z-index", this.floatingZIndex+2);
this.panel.el.replaceClass('x-panel-collapsed', 'x-panel-floating');
if(this.animFloat !== false){
this.el.slideIn(this.getSlideAnchor(), {
callback: function(){
Ext.getDoc().on("click", this.slideInIf, this);
scope: this,
block: true
Ext.getDoc().on("click", this.slideInIf, this);
// private
afterSlideIn : function(){
this.isSlid = false;
this.el.setStyle("z-index", "");
this.panel.el.replaceClass('x-panel-floating', 'x-panel-collapsed');
this.el.dom.style.left = this.restoreLT[0];
this.el.dom.style.top = this.restoreLT[1];
var ts = this.panel.tools;
if(ts && ts.toggle){
* If this Region is {@link #floatable}, and this Region has been slid into floating visibility, then this method slides
* this region back into its collapsed state.
slideIn : function(cb){
if(!this.isSlid || this.el.hasActiveFx()){
this.isSlid = false;
if(this.animFloat !== false){
this.el.slideOut(this.getSlideAnchor(), {
callback: function(){
scope: this,
block: true
// private
slideInIf : function(e){
// private
anchors : {
"west" : "left",
"east" : "right",
"north" : "top",
"south" : "bottom"
// private
sanchors : {
"west" : "l",
"east" : "r",
"north" : "t",
"south" : "b"
// private
canchors : {
"west" : "tl-tr",
"east" : "tr-tl",
"north" : "tl-bl",
"south" : "bl-tl"
// private
getAnchor : function(){
return this.anchors[this.position];
// private
getCollapseAnchor : function(){
return this.canchors[this.position];
// private
getSlideAnchor : function(){
return this.sanchors[this.position];
// private
getAlignAdj : function(){
var cm = this.cmargins;
case "west":
return [0, 0];
case "east":
return [0, 0];
case "north":
return [0, 0];
case "south":
return [0, 0];
// private
getExpandAdj : function(){
var c = this.collapsedEl, cm = this.cmargins;
case "west":
return [-(cm.right+c.getWidth()+cm.left), 0];
case "east":
return [cm.right+c.getWidth()+cm.left, 0];
case "north":
return [0, -(cm.top+cm.bottom+c.getHeight())];
case "south":
return [0, cm.top+cm.bottom+c.getHeight()];
* @class Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion
* @extends Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region
* This is a specialized type of {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region BorderLayout region} that
* has a built-in {@link Ext.SplitBar} for user resizing of regions. The movement of the split bar
* is configurable to move either {@link #tickSize smooth or incrementally}.
* @constructor
* Create a new SplitRegion.
* @param {Layout} layout The {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout BorderLayout} instance that is managing this Region.
* @param {Object} config The configuration options
* @param {String} position The region position. Valid values are: north, south, east, west and center. Every
* BorderLayout must have a center region for the primary content -- all other regions are optional.
Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion = function(layout, config, pos){
Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, layout, config, pos);
// prevent switch
this.applyLayout = this.applyFns[pos];
Ext.extend(Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion, Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region, {
* @cfg {Number} tickSize
* The increment, in pixels by which to move this Region's {@link Ext.SplitBar SplitBar}.
* By default, the {@link Ext.SplitBar SplitBar} moves smoothly.
* @cfg {String} splitTip
* The tooltip to display when the user hovers over a
* {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#collapsible non-collapsible} region's split bar
* (defaults to "Drag to resize."). Only applies if
* {@link #useSplitTips} = true.
splitTip : "Drag to resize.",
* @cfg {String} collapsibleSplitTip
* The tooltip to display when the user hovers over a
* {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#collapsible collapsible} region's split bar
* (defaults to "Drag to resize. Double click to hide."). Only applies if
* {@link #useSplitTips} = true.
collapsibleSplitTip : "Drag to resize. Double click to hide.",
* @cfg {Boolean} useSplitTips
* true to display a tooltip when the user hovers over a region's split bar
* (defaults to false). The tooltip text will be the value of either
* {@link #splitTip} or {@link #collapsibleSplitTip} as appropriate.
useSplitTips : false,
// private
splitSettings : {
north : {
orientation: Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL,
placement: Ext.SplitBar.TOP,
maxFn : 'getVMaxSize',
minProp: 'minHeight',
maxProp: 'maxHeight'
south : {
orientation: Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL,
placement: Ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM,
maxFn : 'getVMaxSize',
minProp: 'minHeight',
maxProp: 'maxHeight'
east : {
orientation: Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL,
placement: Ext.SplitBar.RIGHT,
maxFn : 'getHMaxSize',
minProp: 'minWidth',
maxProp: 'maxWidth'
west : {
orientation: Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL,
placement: Ext.SplitBar.LEFT,
maxFn : 'getHMaxSize',
minProp: 'minWidth',
maxProp: 'maxWidth'
// private
applyFns : {
west : function(box){
return this.applyLayoutCollapsed(box);
var sd = this.splitEl.dom, s = sd.style;
this.panel.setPosition(box.x, box.y);
var sw = sd.offsetWidth;
s.left = (box.x+box.width-sw)+'px';
s.top = (box.y)+'px';
s.height = Math.max(0, box.height)+'px';
this.panel.setSize(box.width-sw, box.height);
east : function(box){
return this.applyLayoutCollapsed(box);
var sd = this.splitEl.dom, s = sd.style;
var sw = sd.offsetWidth;
this.panel.setPosition(box.x+sw, box.y);
s.left = (box.x)+'px';
s.top = (box.y)+'px';
s.height = Math.max(0, box.height)+'px';
this.panel.setSize(box.width-sw, box.height);
north : function(box){
return this.applyLayoutCollapsed(box);
var sd = this.splitEl.dom, s = sd.style;
var sh = sd.offsetHeight;
this.panel.setPosition(box.x, box.y);
s.left = (box.x)+'px';
s.top = (box.y+box.height-sh)+'px';
s.width = Math.max(0, box.width)+'px';
this.panel.setSize(box.width, box.height-sh);
south : function(box){
return this.applyLayoutCollapsed(box);
var sd = this.splitEl.dom, s = sd.style;
var sh = sd.offsetHeight;
this.panel.setPosition(box.x, box.y+sh);
s.left = (box.x)+'px';
s.top = (box.y)+'px';
s.width = Math.max(0, box.width)+'px';
this.panel.setSize(box.width, box.height-sh);
// private
render : function(ct, p){
Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.superclass.render.call(this, ct, p);
var ps = this.position;
this.splitEl = ct.createChild({
cls: "x-layout-split x-layout-split-"+ps, html: " ",
id: this.panel.id + '-xsplit'
if(this.collapseMode == 'mini'){
this.miniSplitEl = this.splitEl.createChild({
cls: "x-layout-mini x-layout-mini-"+ps, html: " "
this.miniSplitEl.on('click', this.onCollapseClick, this, {stopEvent:true});
var s = this.splitSettings[ps];
this.split = new Ext.SplitBar(this.splitEl.dom, p.el, s.orientation);
this.split.tickSize = this.tickSize;
this.split.placement = s.placement;
this.split.getMaximumSize = this[s.maxFn].createDelegate(this);
this.split.minSize = this.minSize || this[s.minProp];
this.split.on("beforeapply", this.onSplitMove, this);
this.split.useShim = this.useShim === true;
this.maxSize = this.maxSize || this[s.maxProp];
this.splitEl.dom.title = this.collapsible ? this.collapsibleSplitTip : this.splitTip;
this.splitEl.on("dblclick", this.onCollapseClick, this);
//docs inherit from superclass
getSize : function(){
return this.collapsedEl.getSize();
var s = this.panel.getSize();
if(this.position == 'north' || this.position == 'south'){
s.height += this.splitEl.dom.offsetHeight;
s.width += this.splitEl.dom.offsetWidth;
return s;
// private
getHMaxSize : function(){
var cmax = this.maxSize || 10000;
var center = this.layout.center;
return Math.min(cmax, (this.el.getWidth()+center.el.getWidth())-center.getMinWidth());
// private
getVMaxSize : function(){
var cmax = this.maxSize || 10000;
var center = this.layout.center;
return Math.min(cmax, (this.el.getHeight()+center.el.getHeight())-center.getMinHeight());
// private
onSplitMove : function(split, newSize){
var s = this.panel.getSize();
this.lastSplitSize = newSize;
if(this.position == 'north' || this.position == 'south'){
this.panel.setSize(s.width, newSize);
this.state.height = newSize;
this.panel.setSize(newSize, s.height);
this.state.width = newSize;
return false;
* Returns a reference to the split bar in use by this region.
* @return {Ext.SplitBar} The split bar
getSplitBar : function(){
return this.split;
// inherit docs
destroy : function() {
Ext.Container.LAYOUTS['border'] = Ext.layout.BorderLayout;